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Ingrowing Toenails

Cheryl Evans • January 13, 2021

Ingrowing Toenails


An ingrowing toenail is a common problem where the nail grows into the toe. It can be painful, but there are things you can do to ease the pain.

You usually get an ingrowing toenail on your big toe. But you can get them on any toe.

Your toe may be red, painful and swollen. Your toenail may curve into your toe.

Your toe can also get infected.

Signs of an infected toe include:

• Pus coming out of it.

• You feel hot or shivery.

How to treat an ingrowing toenail at home:

• Soak your foot in warm salt water 3 to 4 times a day for a few days, this softens the skin around your toe and stops the nail growing into it

• Keep your foot dry for the rest of the day.

• Wear wide, comfortable shoes or sandals.

• Take paracetamol or ibuprofen to ease the pain.


• Cut your toenail – leave it to grow out.

• Pick at your toe or toenail.

• Wear tight, pointy shoes.

Treatments for an Ingrowing Toenail:

A GP can:

• Check your toe to see if it's an ingrown toenail.

• Give you antibiotics if your toenail is infected.

• They may recommend you see a Podiatrist.

A Podiatrist will offer further treatments, such as:

• Cutting away part of the nail conservatively OR

• Performing Nail Surgery, which involves removing the whole (Total Nail Avulsion) or part of the nail (Partial Nail Avulsion), this is performed under local anaesthetic.

Total Nail Avulsion is where the entire nail is removed and the root of the nail (matrix) is cauterised using a chemical called Phenol. This prevents the nail from re-growing. Otherwise, predictably the nail will re-grow in same way and produce the same problem. The healing time for this procedure is 6-8 weeks (average).

Partial Nail Avulsion is where one or both edges of the nail are removed and the root of the nail (matrix) is cauterised using a chemical called Phenol. This prevents these painful sections of nails from re-growing. Otherwise, predictably the nail will re-grow in the same way and produce the same problem. The healing time for this procedure is 4-6 weeks (average).

How to prevent ingrowing toenails:

• Do not cut your toenails too short.

• Cut straight across the nail, not the edges.

• Do not wear shoes that are too tight or do not fit properly.

Do not delay treatment if you have an ingrowing toenail, contact: 07413 920397, and our Podiatrist will be happy to help. #podiatry #podiatrist #chiropody #chiropodist #feet #denbydale #huddersfield #ingrowingtoenail

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